Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Family & Friends

The best part of our vacation to northern Utah was reconnecting with family and friends.

Sister Megan and two of her kids, Laughlin and Janessa came out for a few days. I was super glad to get my McQuivey fix. We're going to miss living 3 hours from them. And it's always interesting to talk to sis-in-law Emma and April couldn't be cuter.

Here's my baby sister Liz. Isn't she cute? Good luck on the bar this week!

Colin took this picture of Uncle BJ. He really loved hanging out with his uncles and grandpas. I asked Colin if he liked seeing his Grandparents and he said, "I like the boy ones."

Matt and Danika just finished building their house. As in, really building it, themselves. They are always up to something cool. I love how they think about life and make decisions. I want to be as good as they are someday.

I loved visiting with Tanya and Marino and their 3 great kids. I haven't seen them in 3+ years. They've been through a rough year, they are wonderful and interesting and fun.

I was excited to visit with Carrie and her kids. They always have interesting projects going, their house is great. Our kids line up pretty great and they had fun playing together. Ava and Petrea couldn't be a more beautiful pair.

Got to meet sweet baby nephew Sean. Here he is with his Daddy, Bronson. Cherie is a supermom, taking it all in stride.

Here's my nephew Connor. He is a super balloonist. I laughed when I saw him on the field at 6:00am outfitted in his ballooning attire (including gloves and hat) and a diet Coke in hand.

Also got to meet my twin nieces, Violet and Grace. Laura and Dylan are darling parents. We loved hearing Ella sing.

I think Ella and Jonah look so much alike. I kept trying to get them to pose for a picture, Jonah was not happy about it.

I was happy to visit my Grandma Kelly, introduce her to baby Petrea and see how well she is doing. She was happy and fun to talk to.

We got to go to the famous water park we keep hearing about from Liz, Raging Waters. It totally lived up to our expectations. We all loved it and are really wishing we had a water park closer to us. Afterwards we got take-out at a great Lebanese place, Mazza. It was my first Lebanese food and really good. Liz and Jared's house is super cool and beautiful and it was fun to hang with them.

And of course Grandma and Grandpa Mac, Grandma and Grandpa Kelly! And I have to publicly apologize to Mandy for not seeing her (why did you have to go river rafting?), I was bummed about that, but had fun visiting with her parents!


Anonymous said...
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LoGunns said...

I just wish we could have hung out more!

Gwen said...

I didn't know Bronson had another baby! Tell him Congratulations. Thanks for "letting" me stalk your blog! Ava and Petrea are cute together.

Anonymous said...

thanks for ditching us! or should i say thanks for nothing!

Erin said...

sorry jared, that was a mistake.

Mandy Wollenzien said...


I'm sorry I missed hanging out with you too. I'll have to plan better on my next visit. I'm glad you had fun with your family. Colin cracks me up. I was just telling my sister in law how after family prayers Colin looked up at me and said, " i no pray for you."

Carrie said...

It was so great to see you guys. I'm glad your back in UT, but bummed it's not closer. Our kids need to hang out more. Mandy, I missed you, too! It would've been so fun to go out to luch, the 3 of us. I would have ditched my kids for that! :)

Elizabeth said...

ok that is the scariest picture of me ever...love that you put it on your blog :) Can I use it for my America's Next Top Model application?