Thursday, July 31, 2008

Apricot Jam

Sara brought me some fresh-picked apricots and I couldn't wait to make freezer jam.

I like to use the Sure Jell for less or no sugar recipes. It has about half the amount of sugar and, I think, a better fruit flavor. Detailed instructions come inside the box.

First, get those jars ready. You can also use plastic containers. I put my jars and lids in hot water for a few minutes and then set them on a towel to dry.

Halve and pit the apricots. Aren't they beautiful?

You can puree them in a blender or food processor or just mash them, depending on the texture you like. I found that I got just the right texture (a little chunky) with my blender.

Add fresh lemon juice.

Stir, then let it sit.

Whisk sugar and pectin together in a saucepan. If I don't whisk thoroughly, I always end up with pectin chunks. I hate that. Add the water and start stirring.

Keep stirring until boiling. Boil 1 minute, then add it to the fruit.

Stir it all together.

Pour into jars. Leave a little room at the top. Leave on counter for 24 hours then freeze.


R-Eight said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this step-by-step. I may try this! It does look beautiful.

Mandy Wollenzien said...

Hey I made apricot Jam yesterday too. It was my first time with apricots and I think it turned out pretty good.

k8theriver said...

my parents live in santa clara and have two trees that over-flow with apricots every year. i'll try to remind you next year.