Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Things I Like About St. George - The Splash Park

They recently renovated a "downtown" section of St. George and added this splash park. It's right next to the new library. It's really well done and the perfect place to be on a hot day.

lookee here. A row of nice new bathrooms, just in case you are playing and someone has to "go." Crazy.

You don't even have to bring towels. It's so hot that you can just lay on the sidewalk and you're dry in a jiffy.

After you are done splashing you can walk across the street to Judd's. Jonah thinks this is the best place on earth. They have ice cream, icees and sodas, but my kids love the huge selection of candy which includes lots of old-fashioned things you don't see anymore. I'm impressed with the wide variety of candy cigarettes they carry. I'm trying to figure out how I can buy some without my kids noticing. I might have to smoke them in the bathroom so no one gets suspicious.


Shayne said...

SG is awsum, let's just admit it. Just a notch below Santy Clary.

Funny fact, Thomas Judd was my great-grandfather. True story.

Liz Stanley said...

you're alive!!!! can't wait to see you this weekend. we've missed you. welcome back.

Mandy Wollenzien said...

It is good to see your kids happy in St. George. Have they had a hard time making the adjustment? I'm sad to hear you haven't kicked your candy cigarette addiction.

daisy said...

SG is awesome now that you guys are here. Hooray for us!

Anonymous said...

welcome to utah stanleys, nice to have you with us.

shayne you are joking right?!!? if not that means you're like a SG celebrity. Andy may have you beat as he was next-doorsies with Bruce Vee Hurst(the guy they named Hurst Day after), but that has to be a close second.

wendyhcd said...

hi Erin and Josh and fam! your St. George pics made me oh-so homesick for my hometown, which is usually pretty hard to do since i've been a happy New Yorker for nearly 5 years now. i used to go to Judds all the time after school at the Woodward 6th grade center, so i know the deliciousness of their ice cream. i'll miss seeing you guys the next time i visit the Blairs in Westchester! congrats on your teaching position Josh, and maybe i'll see you guys around at the holidays in St. G sometime.

Anonymous said...

I want to visit that water park! Where are all the people? Where is all the trash? I'm so confused!

Tania said...

Only someone who has taken their kids ANYWHERE in NY would be so excited to see public bathrooms. Not to mention - clean. Sigh.

sara said...

dude, you are making me want to move to SG. i'm jealous... the cherries, the water park, the climbing rocks. is it as great as it looks?

sara said...

not to mention the bathrooms.