Wednesday, June 18, 2008

TILASG - Block Parties

The other night our little cul-de-sac had a block party to welcome the two new families. Super casual, everyone brought meat to grill and something to share. The kids had water fights and played on the blow-up slide and went for rides in this:


Allysha said...

How fun! And welcome to Utah. It's fun to have you posting again.

laura said...

Awesome! So laid back out there, huh? We miss you here!

Liz Stanley said...

crazy! what IS that thing they're riding on?

Mom in Mendon said...

Fun! Juddy, the Engineer. Which house is yours?

Anonymous said...

I am so jealous right now. How fun!

jordan said...

You live at Disneyland.

Ashlynn {mamabear} said...

blow up toys must be the thing at block parties - ours had them too.

So what part of town do you guys live in - I can't tell.

Denise said...

That might be the best use of a 4-wheeler ever.