Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Now that I've finished painting my kitchen "milk pail," I am in need of something to put on theblank walls. DesignMom suggested hanging plates. I really like this idea. I'm thinking about getting a mismatch collection from ebay and tag sales, like above. Or I could go with something more uniform like this collection from Sur la Table.

There is a restaurant in Larchmont called "Plates." Chef Matthew Karp collected plates from restaurants he worked in all over the world. It's an impressive collection; beautiful and meaningful. The collection hangs on the walls of the restaurant. I love this dumpling shaping plate from Moscow or this one from Rochester, New York or this one from Jerusalem.


Gabrielle of Design Mom said...

Fish's Eddy (across the street from ABC Home & Carpet) has great ala carte plate options. I even remember seeing a stack of Utah State University china there once.

Mo said...

My Dad collects the plates that you have at the top. The Danish Christmas plates. He has them hanging all over the main family room/kitchen in the house i grew up in. I think they are cool.

Jenni said...

Milk pail sounds lovely, can you tell us more about it? I love the set you see at Sur La Table, good store. Happy Decorating.

Anonymous said...

I'm very curious, Erin... tell me about the color "milk pail." It sounds very intriguing.