Thursday, September 25, 2008

My Week in Meals 9/15/08

We tried a new approach last week. I was frustrated that most of what I was making was getting eaten (except by me), and my kids were frustrated that they were hungry at bedtime. This week everyone in the family choose one meal they'd like to see. I've resisted this approach before because I was sure we'd end up eating hot dogs and pizza every night, but my kids surprised me. We are eating a lot of family favorites which gets a little boring for me, but are also easy to shop for and cook because I've made them so many times. I get one night to do something a little different and I'm finding other ways to express my culinary creativity, like making a really great fresh salsa to go with the fajitas or trying a new dessert. The kids are excited when it's "their" night and they do eat a lot better.

Dinners this week:

Salmon packets

Crab legs and artichokes



Red Hot Tomato Sauce Spaghetti and salad

1 comment:

R-Eight said...

My kids love it when we have weeks like that! I'm almost always suprised at the choices they make.