Wednesday, June 25, 2008

TILASG - The Red Hill

St. George is bordered by the "red hill" on the north. There are lots of traditions associated with this hill: high schoolers re-painting the "DIXIE" (is it for homecoming?), making out, etc, etc . . . But we love it because of all the red rocks there are to climb, run and jump on. We've been to playgrounds in CO that tried to mimic this kind of thing with big red rocks strategically placed. This is all natural (and organic). Colin especially loved it and keeps asking when we can go back.


JMcQuiv said...

We miss not having you nearby, but it's great to see that you guys have so much to love about St. George! I can't wait until we get to come out West in July to see the Utah clan.

Mom in Mendon said...

Hey! I just did a Red Hill post, too. Soooo good to see all of you. THANK YOU for everything.

Shayne said...

I just figured out what TILASG stands for. Yeah me.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you all are having a blast- Gracie is missing Roxcy.

Thaddeus said...

If you like that, try Goblin Valley! That is what I thought those pictures were at first.

Willie said...

Those pictures remind me of second grade!

Tania said...

It would be helpful if you could post a few pictures of you all sitting around, sad & missing us.

Enough of this TILASG stuff, what are you Swedish??

Carrie said...

That looks so fun. My kids could spend hours climping and exploring. We'll have to come visit and check it out.