Thursday, July 10, 2008

This is the Place

On our way from Logan to Highland we stopped in Salt Lake at This is the Place Monument and Heritage Park. They've really improved the place since I visited many years ago. There are a lot more buildings and "pioneers." We got there just 1 hour before they closed, so we raced around to see as much as we could. I loved that the kids could experience a piece of their heritage. They loved the old ZCMI where we bought candy, learning some of the Deseret Alphabet at school, seeing pioneer versions of familiar things: barber shop, hospital, houses. They all keep asking when we can go back.

Riding ponies:

The kids ancestor, John Pack's home:

One of Brigham Young's homes. This is the actual home, moved from the valley.

View of the valley from the "train." They have a miniature train that circles this pond, it is big enough that kids can ride on it, but we didn't have time for it this visit.

Colin studying his map on the train.

At the monument.

John Pack is the one on the end:

1 comment:

Tania said...

This is Emily's most favorite place on the planet! We make sure we go every visit to Utah & we're headed there tomorow (wanted to avoid the pre-pioneer day crowds.

I asked Em if she wanted to wait until Dad was here & could go too - she said "Couldn't we just go twice."