My mom turned me on to this podcast, The Splendid Table, and I've been loving it. Really interesting "bites" about food with a little travel and culture and basic cooking advice mixed in. I recently listened to one that talked about the best parks to picnic in NYC (and where to pick up the picnic food), cheddarvision.com (you can actually watch, in real time, cheddar aging. Or you can see a time-lapsed version 0-3 months here.), what to do with sun-dried tomato peanut butter, Icelandic food and culture, and a review of Voodoo Doughnuts in Portland. Fun stuff. Subscribe to it free through iTunes, or listen through their website.
I heard that VooDoo doughnuts made a doughnut with Nyquil in it, but the FDA nixed it along with a Pepto Bismol doughnut, kind of fun! I'll have to check out the Splendid Table.
I knew you would love it! Isn't she a delighful person?
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